Murder Mystery
Evenings in Hotels
Murder Mystery Evenings
Hotels often offer a single evening murder mystery. The detectives will
benefit from a mingle with the characters over drinks before the exciting
murder mystery production begins. Between the courses of a delicious
meal, you are invited to grill our surviving suspects to ascertain their
relationship the victim and where they were at the time of the murderer
After examining some visual clues and filling out your detective answer
forms all will be revealed, by way of an acted out or narrated conclusion.
Murder Mystery Over-Nighters
On a murder mystery over-nighter we usually offer all of the above, with
some added extras to help with your investigations. We usually perform an
extra often humorous scene or two offering a further glimpse into the lives of
our suspects. Then late at night you will have the opportunity to telephone
the suspects up until midnight from the comfort of your own hotel room.
Over-night, you may find some extra clues posted under your door and if that
isn’t enough time for you to work out who did it, you can meet our suspects
again at breakfast and sometimes even lunch.
Full Murder Mystery Weekends
On a full murder mystery weekend, you are totally immersed in our murder
from the moment you arrive until the moment you leave.
First you meet the gang in drinks mingle and often enjoy some sort of
scene performed in front of you, followed by all the usual eating, drinking.
As well as the fun of the murder mystery play and the usual cross
examinations, you may also enjoy phoning our suspects up until midnight,
sharing breakfast and sometimes lunch and dinner on the second day, as
well as an enjoyable outside excursion for a treasure hunt.
Weekend murder mysteries usually conclude on the second evening with
dinner and an acted or narrated conclusion.